Insakill Solvent Based is a non-residual, concentrated insecticide that contains well-proven ingredients tetramethrin and bioresmethrin in industrial volumes.
Insakill comes in two formulas (solvent-based and water-based) which together contain four separate insecticides. Alternating treatment between the two formulations can inhibit the development of insect immunity and allows for complete eradication of all unwanted insect pests.
Insakill Water-Based with pyrethrins and piperonyl butoxide has specially selected surfactants that allow for rapid and deep penetration of insect exoskeleton. It has a pleasant odour and is ideal for indoor applications.
Product Features:
- Kills crawling and flying insects on contact
- Low-irritant formulation
- Non-toxic
- Non-aerosol
Ideal for:
- Cockroaches
- Silverfish
- Fleas
- Weevils
- Spiders
- Ants
- Moths
- Flies
- Mosquitoes
Related pest control products:
Directions for use
Dilution: Dilution is not required.
- Flying insects: 0.1 ml per cubic metre.
- Crawling insects: 25 ml per square metre.
- Treat infested areas.
Flying insects: Spray several short bursts into the air in the direction of the insects.
Crawling insects: Spray direct onto insects when seen and into cracks and crevices where the insects lurk.
Fogger: This product can be used in foggers. - After use, rinse the spray applicator thoroughly.
- Repeat treatment if insects are still present.
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